ClimRISE Lab| Climate Research in Synoptic Environments
The ClimRISE Lab is a focal point of major climate science research being undertaken at Kent State University. Housed in McGilvrey Hall, the Lab is part of the Department of Geography at Kent State, an R-1 (very high research activity) university located in Northeastern Ohio (USA). The core ClimRISE team consists of multiple faculty members within the Department, along with postdoctoral scholars and both doctoral and master’s-level graduate students, with collaborators joining us from federal government agencies and other research organizations.
Our research has been largely funded from grants and contracts awared from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), along with some state-based agencies around the country. The ClimRISE Lab research expertise spans the topics of Global Climate Change, Applied Climate Science, and Synoptic Climatology, with specific applications to extreme temperature events, biometeorology, non-traditional indicators of climate change, sea-level variability, lightning, precipitation characteristics, among others.
If you are interested in joining our lab as a gradaute student, or interested in collaborating on reseasrch, feel free to reach out to us at